
    Smarty gettext block plugin. The content of the block function is the string that you want to translate. For example, for translating 'Hello World', use: {t}Hello World{/t}. If you have dynamic parameters that should be set inside the string, pass them to the block function, and they will be replaced with %n, where n is 1 for the 1st parameter and so on. For example, {t name="sagi"}my name is %1{/t} will replace %1 with sagi. The parameter name is ignored, unless it is one of the reserved names (see below). Only the parameters order matters. The following parameters are reserved:

    • escape - sets escape mode
    • plural - The plural version of the text (2nd parameter of ngettext())
    • count - The item count for plural mode (3rd parameter of ngettext())

    By default, all the translated strings will be automatically HTML escaped. You may control this by setting the 'escape' parameter. Possible values:

    • 'html' for HTML escaping, this is the default
    • 'js' for javascript escaping
    • 'url' for url escaping
    • 'no'/'off'/0 - disables escaping

    To provide a plural form:

    1. Set a parameter named 'plural' with the plural version of the string
    2. Set a parameter named 'count' with the variable count

    Sample for using multiple parameters:

    {t 1='one' 2='two' 3='three'}The 1st parameter is %1, the 2nd is %2 and the 3nd %3{/t}

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