
    Smarty get news (<cms_plugin_news>) template plugin. Plugin gets news array from news storage defined by id parameter and stores into variable defined by var parameter.


    Attribute Name Type Required Default Description
    id string Yes n/a news storage (XML file) id
    item_id string No news item id
    topic string No news items filter in following cases:
    • "year=yyyy" - by year
    • "date=yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" - by date and time
    • "title=text snippet" - by title containing text snippet
    • "description=text snippet" - by description containing text snippet
    • "topic=topic id" - by topic id (only for valid topics by its date against today)
    var string Yes n/a Assign news array to variable definded by var

    Array data format:

    [ { id: "news item unique id", bookmark: "news item user friedly bookmark (to be used instead of id if available)", date: "news item issue date and time", url: "url to page containing more info", title: "news item title", description: "news item description", content: "news item content", keywords: "news item keywords", image: "url to slide image", topic: [ "topic id", ... ] }, ... ]

    Sample for using:

    {cms_plugin_news id='eng' topic='topic=act' var='sample'} {json_encode($sample)}

    Above will output:

    [{"id":"57bf3fa2e529e","bookmark":"new-kusoftas-cms-40-version","date":"2016-08-25 00:00:00","title":"New KUSoftas CMS 4.0 version","description":"<p>\nKUSoftas CMS has implemented SSL into the core of CMS with following options:\n<\/p>\n<ul>\n <li>All site pages forced to be accessed using HTTPS only.<\/li>\n <li>Allow separate pages to be accessed using HTTP only, HTTPS only or in both ways.<\/li>\n <li>Separate page can be redirected from HTTP to HTTPS or vice versa.<\/li>\n <li>Separate page can be redirect into another URL using HTTP or HTTPS.<\/li>\n <li>Page URL aliases can be entered with specified protocol: HTTP, HTTPS or both.<\/li>\n <li>Menu tree element can be forced to use HTTPS if corresponding page supports both protocols.<\/li>\n <li>News item view can be forced to use HTTPS.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p>\nSite must be configured to be used with SSL.\n<\/p>","keywords":"cms, ssl","content":"<div class=\"skin-content-doc\">\n<p>\nNew version of PHP Slim framework has been implemented into core of CMS as URL router.\nSlim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.\nAt its core, Slim is a dispatcher that receives an HTTP request, invokes an appropriate callback routine, and returns an HTTP response.\nMore about Slim framework: <a class=\"blue-link\" href=\"http:\/\/www.slimframework.com\" target=\"_blank\">http:\/\/www.slimframework.com<\/a>.\n<\/p>\n<p>New CMS version also contains a lot of software functionality enhancements.<\/p>\n <p>More about <a class=\"blue-link\" href=\"http:\/\/www.kusoftas.com\/docs\/overview\/basics\/ssl\" target=\"blank\">KUSoftas CMS SSL<\/a><\/p>\n<p>\nKUSoftas CMS change log is available at\n <a class=\"blue-link\" href=\"http:\/\/service.kusoftas.com\/cms\/change_log.txt\" target=\"blank\">\n http:\/\/service.kusoftas.com\/cms\/change_log.txt\n <\/a>\n<\/p>\n<p>\n <a class=\"blue-link\" href=\"http:\/\/service.kusoftas.com#download\" target=\"blank\">\n Download and try it!\n <\/a>\n<\/p>\n<p>KUSoftas Team, 08\/25\/2016<\/p>\n<\/div>","image":"\/cms\/images\/ssl.png","topic":["brk","act"],"url":"http:\/\/www.kusoftas.com\/news\/item\/new-kusoftas-cms-40-version"},{"id":"5762847603f25","bookmark":"new-kusoftas-cms-33-version-introduces-e-shop-and-product-configurator","date":"2016-06-16 00:00:00","title":"New KUSoftas CMS 3.3 version introduces e-Shop and Product Configurator","description":"<p>\nKUSoftas CMS e-commerce plugin suits for implementation of small or large e-shop. \nIt is based on full-text indexing and search engine that allows a good throughput. E-shop can be hosted at inexpensive shared hosting server. \nPayPal payment system uses secure purchasing forms, encoded by PayPal and the seller\nSSL digital certificates, and are fully integrated into KUSoftas CMS e-shop plugin.\nProduct configurator allows to configure product you want to buy using a list of options.\nConfigured with product configurator products can be purchased along with other e-shop goods.\n<\/p>","keywords":"e-shop, product condigurator","content":"<p>Main e-shop plugin features:<\/p>\n<ul>\n <li>Responsive design<\/li>\n <li>Catalogue<\/li>\n <li>Filtering, sorting<\/li>\n <li>Compare<\/li>\n <li>Purchase<\/li>\n <li>Search<\/li>\n <li>E-mail sending<\/li>\n <li>Discounts, points, personal discount account<\/li>\n <li>E-shop and CMS administration tools<\/li>\n <li>User tools<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<p>\nMore about <a href=\"http:\/\/www.kusoftas.com\/docs\/overview\/basics\/eshop\" target=\"_blank\">e-shop<\/a>. Test <a href=\"http:\/\/www.kusoftas.com\/cms\/samples\/3\/default\/eng\" target=\"_blank\">sample<\/a>.\n<\/p> \n<p>\nMore about <a href=\"https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/pulse\/kusoftas-cms-e-shop-online-product-configurator-vilius-kuciukas\" target=\"_blank\">product configurator<\/a> Test <a href=\"http:\/\/www.kusoftas.com\/docs\/samples\/configurator\" target=\"_blank\">sample<\/a>.\n<\/p>\n<p>\nKUSoftas CMS change log is available at\n <a href=\"http:\/\/service.kusoftas.com\/cms\/change_log.txt\" target=\"blank\">\n http:\/\/service.kusoftas.com\/cms\/change_log.txt\n <\/a>\n<\/p>\n<p>\n <a href=\"http:\/\/service.kusoftas.com#download\" target=\"blank\">\n Download and try it!\n <\/a>\n<\/p>\n<p>KUSoftas Team, 06\/16\/2016<\/p>","image":"\/cms\/images\/paypal2.png","topic":["act"],"url":"http:\/\/www.kusoftas.com\/news\/item\/new-kusoftas-cms-33-version-introduces-e-shop-and-product-configurator"}]

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