General Data

    General Data | CMS Tools Setup | Documentation (image)
    1. "General data" tab selected
    2. Fill fields in general data form:
      Site code Site code will be used as main key in CMS DB. Don't change if CMS content is ready. Changing code will cause CMS content lost!
      Site name For display purpoises
      Site domain site domain URL (ex. Will be used in as template variable to automatically construct url to site.
      Remember logged Remember logged on user:
      • Enable - enable logged on user option in CMS (default: enable)
      • Limit - limit access control permissions for remembered user (don't allow write in CMS admin tools, change password; default: don't limit)
      • Name - remember cookie name (default: "kusoftas")
      • Lifetime - remember cookie life time is sec (default: 3600)
      Administrator's e-mail E-mail to whom will be sent CMS administrative mail messages.
      Temporary files folder Folder where will be located CMS internal temporary files. CMS config copy will go there on setup update.
      Page include files folder Page include files (html, template, css, js) folder. Conntent accessible for update using CMS tool "Files". Can be included into page using CMS tool "Pages"
      Images folder CMS user images folder. Content accessible for update using CMS tool "Files".
      Storage folder CMS digital objects repository folder. Content accessible for update using CMS tool "Pages".
      Configuration data folder Folder where will be located all CMS configuration files.
      Users file Users XML file. Will be used as CMS users import/export file. It will contain actual CMS users data when CMS DB switched into XML files backend mode.
      Pages file Pages XML file. Will be used as CMS pages import/export file. It will contain actual CMS pages data when CMS DB switched into XML files backend mode.
      Collection file Collection menu XML file (optional). Will be used as CMS collection menu import/export file (if specified). It will contain actual CMS collection menu tree when CMS DB switched into XML files backend mode (if specified).
      Plugins file Plugins XML file. File may contain site list version of installed plugins. Optional. CMS list of installed plugins will be used if empty.
      Languages file Languages XML file. Will be used as CMS languages import/export file. It will contain actual CMS languages data when CMS DB switched into XML files backend mode. Can be enabled language switching via URL (ex. URL http://site/rus will switch into russian language)
      Page conters folder Folder where will be located all pages conters when CMS DB switched into XML files backend mode (if page counting is turned on).
      Locale default file name It will be used to select locale message file (ex. "cms" will be used as "" unix style locale messages file name)
      Locale folder Folder where to be located locale messages files
      Logger configuration file Log4php logger configuration file. Don't forget to set proper log file path in this file!.
    3. Press:
      • "Save config" - if you are sure to save configuration data. Only CMS builtin administrator can save configuration data!
      • "Validate config" - to do configuration validation without saving data.
      • "Clear cache" - clear Smarty template caching data from compilation and caching folders.
      • "Reset counters" - set all pages counters to 0.
      • "Create sitemap" - create sitemap.xml file in web root (optionally /cms/data/sitemap.xml file content will be concatenated if exists).
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