Index Engine API

    Indexing and search



    URL Syntax/index/search ? [index] [field] [query] [seq] [termno] [order] [hitPageStart] [hitPageSize] [format] [ident] [auto] [ademand] [highlight] [fuzzy] [facet] [facet_minmax] [facet_order]
    DescriptionSearch index
    HTTP MethodGET
    Return (XML)
    <search query="commercial" indexName="idx" sortFields="score,desc" hitPageStart="1" hitPageSize="10" hitTotal="1" auto="true" elapsed="0.01"> <hit no="1" score="25.9988"> <data> <seq><![CDATA[54085b68eafb5]]></seq> <label><![CDATA[Commercial or Open-Source CMS]]></label> <title><![CDATA[Commercial or Open-Source CMS: something in between | Vilius Kuciukas]]></title> <description><![CDATA[Choosing a content management system (CMS) is a likely ...]]></description> <url><![CDATA[/blog/commercial-or-open-source-cms-something-in-between]]></url> <code><![CDATA[]]></code> <creator><![CDATA[CMS]]></creator> <created><![CDATA[2016-02-06]]></created> </data> <words> <word><![CDATA[commercial]]></word> </words> <field name="doc.desc" snippet="yes"><![CDATA[Choosing a content management system (CMS) is a likely ...]]></field> <field name="doc.item"><![CDATA[0]]></field> <field name="doc.label" snippet="yes"><![CDATA[<span class="highlight">Commercial</span> or Open-Source CMS]]></field> <field name="doc.lang"><![CDATA[en]]></field> <field name=""><![CDATA[54085b68eaefd]]></field> <field name="doc.seq"><![CDATA[54085b68eafb5]]></field> <field name="doc.text"><![CDATA[54085b68eaefd]]></field> <field name="doc.text"><![CDATA[54085b68eafb5]]></field> <field name="doc.text" snippet="yes"><![CDATA[<span class="highlight">Commercial</span> or Open-Source CMS]]></field> <field name="doc.text" snippet="yes"><![CDATA[<span class="highlight">Commercial</span> or Open-Source CMS ...]]></field> <field name="doc.text" snippet="yes"><![CDATA[Choosing a content management system (CMS) is a likely ...]]></field> <field name="doc.text" snippet="yes"><![CDATA[cms, content management system, blog ...]]></field> <field name="doc.text"> <![CDATA[en]]></field> <field name="doc.text" snippet="yes"><![CDATA[Blog: <span class="highlight">Commercial</span> or ...]]></field> <field name="doc.title" snippet="yes"><![CDATA[<span class="highlight">Commercial</span> or Open-Source CMS ...]]></field> </hit> </search>
    Return (JSON)
    { "query":"commercial", "indexName":"doc.text", "sortFields":"score,desc", "hitPageStart":1, "hitPageSize":10, "hitTotal":1, "auto":true, "elapsed":0.01, "facet":[ ], "hits":[ { "no":1, "score":25.9988, "data":{ "seq":"54085b68eafb5", "label":"Commercial or Open-Source CMS", "title":"Commercial or Open-Source CMS: ...", "description":"Choosing a content management system (CMS) is a likely ...", "url":"\/blog\/commercial-or-open-source-cms-something-in-between", "code":"", "creator":"CMS", "created":"2016-02-06", "external":false }, "words":["commercial"], "fields":{ "doc.desc":[ {"snippet":true,"key":"doc.desc","value":"Choosing a content management system (CMS) is a likely ..."} ], "doc.item":[ {"snippet":false,"key":"doc.item","value":"0"} ], "doc.label":[ {"snippet":true,"key":"doc.label","value":"<span class=\"highlight\">Commercial<\/span> or Open-Source CMS"} ], "doc.lang":[ {"snippet":false,"key":"doc.lang","value":"en"} ], "":[ {"snippet":false,"key":"","value":"54085b68eaefd"} ], "doc.seq":[ {"snippet":false,"key":"doc.seq","value":"54085b68eafb5"} ], "doc.text":[ {"snippet":false,"key":"doc.text","value":"54085b68eaefd"}, {"snippet":false,"key":"doc.text","value":"54085b68eafb5"}, {"snippet":true,"key":"doc.text","value":"<span class=\"highlight\">Commercial<\/span> or Open-Source CMS"}, {"snippet":true,"key":"doc.text","value":"<span class=\"highlight\">Commercial<\/span> or Open-Source CMS ..."}, {"snippet":true,"key":"doc.text","value":"Choosing a content management system (CMS) is a likely ..."}, {"snippet":true,"key":"doc.text","value":"cms, content management system, blog, ..."}, {"snippet":false,"key":"doc.text","value":"en"}, {"snippet":true,"key":"doc.text","value":"Blog: <span class=\"highlight\">Commercial<\/span> or Open-Source CMS ..."} ], "doc.title":[ {"snippet":true,"key":"doc.title","value":"<span class=\"highlight\">Commercial<\/span> or Open-Source CMS ..."} ] } } ] }
    Return (Table)
    { "draw":2, "recordsTotal":"1", "recordsFiltered":"1", "data":[ [ "<input type=\"button\" value=\"View\" class=\"results-button\">", 1, "5292", 25.9988, "54085b68eafb5", "Commercial or Open-Source CMS", "Commercial or Open-Source CMS: something in between | Vilius Kuciukas", "<a class=\"results-url\" href=\"http:\/\/\/blog\/commercial-or-open-source-cms-something-in-between\" target=\"_blank\">\/blog\/commercial-or-open-source-cms-something-in-between<\/a>", "" ] ], "rc":"0", "msg":"success" }

    GET request data:

    • index - index key to search; use default (defined in config) index if parameter is ommited
    • field - default field to search (defined in config); use if field is ommited in query
    • query - keyword, phrase or expression (see Apache Lucene Query Syntax. KUSoftas CMS currently does not support: proximity and regular expression search)
    • seq - find item by unique ID
    • termno - find all items by word position in browse
    • order - default is defined in configuration); fields keys and predefined word "score" may be used; add coma separated word "reverse" for descending order; separate with ";" ordering fields; ex.: doc.title;score,reverse
    • hitPageStart=1 - start paging from some search results item sequence number
    • hitPageSize=10 - page size
    • format:
    • ident=false - ident XML/JSON tags
    • auto - if true use Levenshtein FSA for fuzzy search (default defined in config); else RDBMS SQL like statements will be used
    • ademand - if true load Levenshtein FSA states on demand (default defined in config)
    • highlight=true - higlight found words in item view
    • fuzzy - current query default edit distance value (0|1|2); config fuzzy default edit distance value will be used if empty
    • facet:
      • array - facet[no][data], where:
        • no - array element index (0..n)
        • data:
          • 'field' - holds value of index field code
          • 'item' - holds array of keywords to be found in the field (optional if minmax=1)
          • 'minmax' - holds value of 1 if this facet is minmax
      • string - keypair for index field value used for minmax facet; request parameter facet_minmax must exist and contain value '1' (ex. &facet=somefield&facet_minmax=1)
    • facet_minmax - must containt value '1' and be used only with facet parameter of string format only
    • facet_order - facets ordering (default is 'index'):
      • index - as found in the index field
      • count - by counter value
      • reverse - reverse (desc) ordering (second parameter, ex. 'index, reverse' or 'count, reverse')

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden

    Sample search request parameters to be added for facets:

    &facet_order=index, &facet[0][field]=doc.text, &facet[0][item][0]=world, &facet[0][item][1]=digital, &facet[0][item][2]=object, &facet[0][item][3]=sample, &facet[0][item][4]=[10 TO 100], &facet[1][field]=doc.title, &facet[1][minmax]=1

    Saple of response snippet with facets:

    <search query="object%7E" indexName="idx" sortFields="score,desc" hitPageStart="1" hitPageSize="10" hitTotal="5" auto="true" elapsed="0.19"> <facet> <field> <code>doc.text</code> <items> <item count="17">digital</item> <item count="52">object</item> <item count="19">sample</item> <item count="1">world</item> <item count="5">[10 TO 100]</item> </items> </field> <field> <code>doc.title</code> <min>0</min> <max>1877</max> <items/> </field> </facet> ... </search>


    URL Syntax/index/browse ? [index] [field] [term] [hitPageStart] [hitPageSize] [format] [ident]
    DescriptionBrowse index
    HTTP MethodGET
    Return (XML)
    <browse term="object" indexName="idx" hitPageStart="2106" hitPageSize="10" hitTotal="6522" elapsed="0.02"> <hit no="2106" docs="6"><term><![CDATA[Object]]></term><term_lc><![CDATA[object]]></term_lc></hit> <hit no="2107" docs="3"><term><![CDATA[Objects]]></term><term_lc><![CDATA[objects]]></term_lc></hit> <hit no="2108" docs="2"><term><![CDATA[Ok]]></term><term_lc><![CDATA[ok]]></term_lc></hit> <hit no="2109" docs="1"><term><![CDATA[Once]]></term><term_lc><![CDATA[once]]></term_lc></hit> <hit no="2110" docs="1"><term><![CDATA[One]]></term><term_lc><![CDATA[one]]></term_lc></hit> <hit no="2111" docs="8"><term><![CDATA[Only]]></term><term_lc><![CDATA[only]]></term_lc></hit> <hit no="2112" docs="1"><term><![CDATA[Opacity]]></term><term_lc><![CDATA[opacity]]></term_lc></hit> <hit no="2113" docs="47"><term><![CDATA[Open]]></term><term_lc><![CDATA[open]]></term_lc></hit> <hit no="2114" docs="2"><term><![CDATA[Open-Source]]></term><term_lc><![CDATA[open-source]]></term_lc></hit> <hit no="2115" docs="3"><term><![CDATA[Opportunity]]></term><term_lc><![CDATA[opportunity]]></term_lc></hit> </browse>
    Return (JSON)
    { "term":"objects", "indexName":"doc.text", "hitPageStart":2107, "hitPageSize":10, "hitTotal":6522, "elapsed":0.02, "hits":[ {"no":2107,"term":"Objects","term_lc":"objects","docs":3}, {"no":2108,"term":"Ok","term_lc":"ok","docs":2}, {"no":2109,"term":"Once","term_lc":"once","docs":1}, {"no":2110,"term":"One","term_lc":"one","docs":1}, {"no":2111,"term":"Only","term_lc":"only","docs":8}, {"no":2112,"term":"Opacity","term_lc":"opacity","docs":1}, {"no":2113,"term":"Open","term_lc":"open","docs":47}, {"no":2114,"term":"Open-Source","term_lc":"open-source","docs":2}, {"no":2115,"term":"Opportunity","term_lc":"opportunity","docs":3}, {"no":2116,"term":"Optimization","term_lc":"optimization","docs":2} ] }
    Return (Table)
    { "draw":2, "recordsTotal":"6522", "recordsFiltered":"6522", "data":[ ["<input type=\"button\" value=\"Docs\" class=\"results-button\">","2101","Nowrap","nowrap","2"], ["<input type=\"button\" value=\"Docs\" class=\"results-button\">","2102","Number","number","1"], ["<input type=\"button\" value=\"Docs\" class=\"results-button\">","2103","OK","ok","15"], ["<input type=\"button\" value=\"Docs\" class=\"results-button\">","2104","ONLY","only","2"], ["<input type=\"button\" value=\"Docs\" class=\"results-button\">","2105","OS","os","11"], ["<input type=\"button\" value=\"Docs\" class=\"results-button\">","2106","Object","object","6"], ["<input type=\"button\" value=\"Docs\" class=\"results-button\">","2107","Objects","objects","3"], ["<input type=\"button\" value=\"Docs\" class=\"results-button\">","2108","Ok","ok","2"], ["<input type=\"button\" value=\"Docs\" class=\"results-button\">","2109","Once","once","1"], ["<input type=\"button\" value=\"Docs\" class=\"results-button\">","2110","One","one","1"] ], "rc":"0", "msg":"success" }

    GET request data:

    • index - index key to browse; use default (defined in config) index if parameter is ommited
    • field - default field to browse (defined in config); use if field is ommited in query
    • term - empty to start browsing from the begining; enter symbol, word or part of word to locate browsing position
    • hitPageStart=1 - start paging from some browse results item sequence number
    • hitPageSize=10 - page size
    • format:
    • ident=false - ident XML/JSON tags

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden

    /index/fields ? key

    URL Syntax/index/empty/:key
    DescriptionIndex fields list
    HTTP MethodGET | POST
    Request data Variables automatically issued by dataTable() object:
    • draw - sequence number
    • ...
    { draw: 'sequence number', // ex. '1' recordsTotal: 'total records in table', // ex. '13' recordsFiltered: 'total records in table', // ex. '13' data: [ // datatable record array [ '<input type="checkbox">', // checkbox <input> element 'No', // sequence no ex. '1' 'field id in DB table', // ex. '1' 'unique field ID', // ex. 'doc.code' 'field title', // ex. 'Document code' 'items number', // ex. '460' ] ... ], rc: '0', msg: 'success' }

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)


    URL Syntax/index/empty/:key
    DescriptionEmpty index content
    AccessRestricted to roles: admin, demo (r/o)
    HTTP MethodGET
    :keyIndex unique key
    { rc: "0", // return code, 0 - is OK msg: "success", // return message elapsed: 0.26 // elapsed time }

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/create/:key
    DescriptionCreate index content
    AccessRestricted to roles: admin, demo (r/o)
    HTTP MethodGET
    :keyIndex unique key
    { rc: "0", // return code, 0 - is OK msg: "success", // return message docs: "96", // total number of indexed items memory: "2.5M", // max amount of memory used elapsed: 0.26 // elapsed time }

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/update
    DescriptionUpdate index(s) content using queued site content updates: add, remove
    HTTP MethodGET
    { rc: "0", // return code, 0 - is OK msg: "success", // return message docs: "idx => 96", // updated index key => indexed/deindexed items memory: "2.5M", // max amount of memory used elapsed: 0.26 // elapsed time }

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/queue/:key
    DescriptionQueue all index items for index update
    AccessRestricted to roles: admin, demo (r/o)
    HTTP MethodGET
    :keyIndex unique key
    { rc: "0", // return code, 0 - is OK msg: "success", // return message docs: "96", // total number of queued items elapsed: 0.01 // elapsed time }

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/dequeue/:key
    DescriptionDequeue all index items for index update
    AccessRestricted to roles: admin, demo (r/o)
    HTTP MethodGET
    :keyIndex unique key
    { rc: "0", // return code, 0 - is OK msg: "success", // return message elapsed: 0.01 // elapsed time }

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/dequeue
    DescriptionDequeue all index items for all indexes update
    AccessRestricted to roles: admin, demo (r/o)
    HTTP MethodGET
    { rc: "0", // return code, 0 - is OK msg: "success", // return message elapsed: 0.01 // elapsed time }

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden





    URL Syntax/index/empty/:key
    DescriptionQueue item for index update
    AccessRestricted to roles: admin, demo (r/o)
    :seqItem unique id
    { rc: "0", // return code, 0 - is OK msg: "success" // return message }

    GET/POST request data:

    • seq - item unique id
    • action=add - update action add/remove
    • ext=false - external source (not site page) if true
    • label - menu item title if page / title if external
    • title - item title (external only)
    • description - item description (external only)
    • keywords - item keywords (external only)
    • language - item language (external only)
    • content - item content text (external only)
    • url - item url (external only)
    • code - item classification code (external only)
    • creator - item creator name (external only)
    • created - item creation date (external only)

    RAW POST request data:

    [ 'seq': 'item-unique-id', 'action': 'update-action', 'ext': 'true/false', 'label': 'item-label', 'title': 'item-title', 'description': 'item-description', 'keywords': 'item-keywords', 'language': 'item-language', 'content': 'item-content', 'url': 'item-url', 'code': 'item-calssification-code', 'creator': 'item-creator-name', 'created': 'item-creation-date' ]

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/man/lst
    DescriptionIndex list jQuery DataTable() plugin server side backend
    AccessRestricted to roles: admin, demo (r/o)
    HTTP MethodGET
    { "draw":3, "recordsTotal":"1", "recordsFiltered":"1", "data":[ ["<input type=\"checkbox\">",1,"1","idx","Index","398","11","6548","yes","CMS","2016-04-09 18:15:57"] ], "rc":"0", "msg":"success" }

    GET request data: server side backend for jQuery DataTable() plugin

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/man/get/:key
    DescriptionGet index data
    AccessRestricted to roles: admin, demo (r/o)
    HTTP MethodGET
    :keyIndex unique key
    { "rc":"0", // return code "msg":"success", // return message "data":{ // index data "seq":"54caa31a16ad3", // unique ID "key":"idx", // key "title":"Main site index", // title "task":"0", // 0 - use default (config) indexing task, 1 - use this index indexing task "stop":"0", // 0 - use default (config) stop words, 1 - use this index stop words "boost":"0", // 0 - use default (config) boosting words, 1 - use this index boosting words "ready":"1", // 1 - if index ready to use "doc_number":"397", // total number of indexed items "field_number":"8", // total number of created fields "word_number":"4821", // total number of words "limit":"0", // limit number of index update items, 0 - unlimited "table":"1", // 1 - remove/create RDBMS table indexes during content indexing "editor":"CMS", // index last editor name "timestamp":"2015-02-05 13:23:35", // index last update timestamp "fields":[ // index field list { "key":"", // field key "title":"Date", // field title "boost":"1.0", // field boosting value "doc_number":"397" // total number of indexed items belongs to this field }, ... // other fields ] } }

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/man/get/index/list
    DescriptionGet index list
    AccessRestricted to roles: admin, demo (r/o)
    HTTP MethodGET
    { "rc":"0", // return code "msg":"success", // return message "data":[ // index list { // index data "key":"idx", // index key "title":"Main site index" // index title } ] }

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/man/put
    DescriptionPut index data
    AccessRestricted to builtin administrator
    HTTP MethodPOST
    { "rc":"0", // return code "msg":"success" // return message }

    POST RAW data:

    { "seq":"54caa31a16ad3", // unique ID "key":"idx", // key "title":"Main site index", // title "task":"0", // 0 - use default (config) indexing task, 1 - use this index indexing task "stop":"0", // 0 - use default (config) stop words, 1 - use this index stop words "boost":"0", // 0 - use default (config) boosting words, 1 - use this index boosting words "fields":[ // index field list { "del":"0", // 1 - delete this field "id":"1", // 1 - field update, other - new field "key":"", // field key "title":"Date", // field title "boost":"1.0" // field boosting value }, ... // other fields ] }

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/man/del
    DescriptionDelete index(s)
    AccessRestricted to builtin administrator
    HTTP MethodPOST
    { "rc":"0", // return code "msg":"success" // return message }

    POST RAW data:

    [ // index list 'idx', // index key ... // other index keys ]

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/man/upd
    DescriptionIndex(s) update items list jQuery DataTable() plugin server side backend
    AccessRestricted to roles: admin, demo (r/o)
    HTTP MethodGET
    { "draw":2, "recordsTotal":"1", "recordsFiltered":"1", "data":[ ["<input type=\"checkbox\">",1,"5621","index","page","54d33ce57d876","Index Engine API","2016-04-10 17:10:33"] ], "rc":"0", "msg":"success" }

    GET request data: server side backend for jQuery DataTable() plugin

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/man/upd/del
    DescriptionDelete index(s) update items
    AccessRestricted to builtin administrator
    HTTP MethodPOST
    { "rc":"0", // return code "msg":"success" // return message }

    POST RAW data:

    [ // item update list '11340', // item update internal ID ... // other item ID's ]

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/man/cfg/get
    DescriptionGet configuration data
    AccessRestricted to roles: admin, demo (r/o)
    HTTP MethodGET
    { "rc":"0", // return code "msg":"success", // return message "data":{ // configuration data data "index":"idx", // default index key "field":"doc.text", // default field key "order":"score,reverse", // default search results order "format":"table", // default search/browse results format "ident":"1", // 1 - ident XML/JSON format tags "auto":"1", // 1 - use Levenshtein FSA for fuzzy search, 0 - use RDBMS SQL like statements for fuzzy search "ademand":"0", // 1 - load Levenshtein FSA states on demand "limit":"0", // limit number of index update items, 0 - unlimited "table":"1" // 1 - remove/create RDBMS table indexes during content indexing } }

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/man/cfg/put
    DescriptionPut configuration data
    AccessRestricted to builtin administrator
    HTTP MethodPOST
    { "rc":"0", // return code "msg":"success" // return message }

    POST RAW data:

    { "index":"idx", // default index key "field":"doc.text", // default field key "order":"score,reverse", // default search results order "format":"table", // default search/browse results format "limit":"0", // limit number of index update items, 0 - unlimited "ident":"1", // 1 - ident XML/JSON format tags "auto":"1", // 1 - use Levenshtein FSA for fuzzy search, 0 - use RDBMS SQL like statements for fuzzy search "ademand":"0", // 1 - load Levenshtein FSA states on demand "table":"1" // 1 - remove/create RDBMS table indexes during content indexing }

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/man/export
    DescriptionExport index(s) data
    AccessRestricted to builtin administrator
    HTTP MethodGET
    { "rc":"0", // return code "msg":"success" // return message }

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/man/import
    DescriptionImport index(s) data
    AccessRestricted to builtin administrator
    HTTP MethodGET
    { "rc":"0", // return code "msg":"success" // return message }

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/man/file/get
    DescriptionGet file content into editor
    AccessRestricted to roles: admin, demo (r/o)
    HTTP MethodGET
    Return:file text content

    GET request data:

    • file - file type:
      • task
      • stop
      • boost
    • seq - unique index id (if file belongs to index), else - empty

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden


    URL Syntax/index/man/file/put
    DescriptionPut editor content into file
    AccessRestricted to builtin administrator
    HTTP MethodPOST
    Return:file size

    POST request data:

    • file - file type:
      • task
      • stop
      • boost
    • seq - unique index id (if file belongs to index), else - empty
    • content - file text content

    HTTP Response status codes:

    • 200 (OK)
    • 400 - Bad Request
    • 403 - Forbidden
    Vulnerability Scanner