Add boxer into page sample

    • Integrated into eShop
    • Flexible discounts
    • Discounts on total price
    • Easy hierarchical structure
    • Works in shared hosting

    Test sample

    • Full-Text indexing and search
    • Powerful items filtering
    • Integrated secure PayPal forms
    • Fuzzy search even with 2 errors
    • Advanced items compare
    • Fits into low cost shared hosting

    Test sample and try it!

    • Pure PHP
    • Shared hosting
    • Low cost ownership
    • Fuzzy search
    • Replaces Apache Solr in shared hosting

    Choosing a content management system (CMS) is a likely first step in building your organizations web site. A wide variety of commercial and open source CMS’s are available ...

    • SSL for all site pages
    • SSL for selected pages
    • Page with SSL, without SSL, both ways
    • Automatic redirect into SSL, from SSL
    • Page redirect with SSL, without SSL
    • Page aliases with SSL, without SSL
    • Menu, news with SSL, without SSL
    • SSL in the core of CMS

    Professional tools:

    • Adobe Dreaweaver
    • Expressions Web

    Site may be connected to MS Windows folders as network drive!

    Note: you can't update data of this sample due insufficient permissions of logged demo user

    Smarty template plugin docs available at {cms_plugin_boxer}

    jQuery code snippet:

    cms_plugin_boxer = $('#skin-box-container .skin-box').cms_plugin_boxer( { // create cms_plugin_boxer instance's on box <div> tag id: skin_lang, // boxer id = language code lang: skin_lang, // boxer language code cms_path: skin_cms_path // cms folder relative path } );

    HTML code snippet:

    <fieldset class="cms-form-fieldset"> <legend class="cms-form-legend">{t}Add boxer into page sample{/t}</legend> {cms_plugin_boxer var="boxer" id="$lang_code"} <div class="skin-box-container" id="skin-box-container"> {if count($boxer)==0} <div class="skin-box skin-box-empty"><p>{t}Empty{/t}</p></div> {else} <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> {for $i=1 to count($boxer)} {$url = $boxer[$i-1]->url} {if substr($url,0,1)=="/"} {$url = ""|cat: "http://"|cat: $site_url|cat: $url} {/if} <tr> <td> <div class="skin-box" id="{$boxer[$i-1]->id}"> <div class="skin-box-title"><h2><a href="{$url}">{$boxer[$i-1]->title}</a></h2></div> {if strlen($boxer[$i-1]->image)>0} <div class="skin-box-left"> <div class="skin-box-description"><h4>{$boxer[$i-1]->description}</h4></div> </div> <div class="skin-box-right"> <div class="skin-box-image" style="background-image: url('{$boxer[$i-1]->image}')"></div> </div> {else} <div class="skin-box-left skin-box-left-full"> <div class="skin-box-description"><h4>{$boxer[$i-1]->description}</h4></div> </div> {/if} <div class="skin-box-more"><a href="{$url}"></a></div> </div> </td> </tr> {/for} </table> {/if} </div> </fieldset>

    CSS code snippet:

    .skin-box-container { margin: $box-container-margin-top auto; max-width: $box-container-width; position: relative; display: block; clear: both; table { position: relative; margin: 0px auto; @media only screen and (max-width : $box-width - 1) { max-width: 320px } @media only screen and (min-width : $box-width) and (max-width : $box-width * 2 + $box-margin * 2 - 1) { max-width: $box-width } @media only screen and (min-width : $box-width * 2 + $box-margin * 2) and (max-width : $box-width * 3 + $box-margin * 3 - 1) { width: $box-width * 2 + $box-margin * 2 } @media only screen and (min-width : $box-width * 3 + $box-margin * 3) { width: $box-width * 3 + $box-margin * 3; } tr { position: relative; display: inline; float: left!important; @media only screen and (max-width : $box-width * 2 + $box-margin * 2 - 1) { width: 100% } @media only screen and (min-width : $box-width * 2 + $box-margin * 2) and (max-width : $box-width * 3 + $box-margin * 3 - 1) { width: percentage (1 / 2) } @media only screen and (min-width : $box-width * 3 + $box-margin * 3) { width: percentage (1 / 3) } td { position: relative; display: block; width: 100%; @media only screen and (min-width : $box-width * 2 + $box-margin) { padding-left: $box-margin / 2; padding-right: $box-margin / 2; } padding-top: $box-margin; .skin-box-empty { position: relative; display: none; min-width: $box-empty-width; height: $box-empty-height; border: 1px $box-empty-border-color dashed; float: none; margin: $box-empty-margin-top auto; background: transparent; p {font-size: $box-empty-font-size; font-style: $box-empty-font-style; margin-top: $box-empty-margin-top; margin-left: $box-empty-margin-left; color: $box-empty-color} } .skin-box { position: relative; height: $box-height; margin: 0px auto; @media only screen and (max-width : $box-width - 1) { width: $box-width-iphone; background-image: $box-background-image-iphone; } @media only screen and (min-width : $box-width) { width: $box-width; background-image: $box-background-image; } background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; background-size: cover; .skin-box-title { height: percentage($box-title-height / $box-height); position: relative; display: block; clear: both; h2 { font-size: $box-title-font-size; font-weight: $box-title-font-weight; line-height: percentage($box-title-height / $box-title-font-size); text-align:center; white-space:nowrap; display: block; max-width: $box-title-width; overflow: hidden; margin: 0px auto } a { text-decoration: none; color: white; &:link { text-decoration: none; color: white} &:visited { text-decoration: none; color: white} &:active { text-decoration: none; color: white} &:hover { text-decoration: none; color: white} } } .skin-box-left { top: percentage($box-left-top / $box-height); position: relative; display: block; @media only screen and (max-width : $box-width - 1) { left: percentage($box-left-left / $box-width-iphone); width: percentage($box-left-width-iphone / $box-width-iphone); }; @media only screen and (min-width : $box-width) { left: percentage($box-left-left / $box-width); width: percentage($box-left-width / $box-width); }; height: percentage($box-left-height / $box-height); float: left; .skin-box-description { height: percentage($box-description-height / $box-height); position: relative; display: block; padding: percentage(5px / $box-height); padding-top: percentage($box-description-top / $box-height); padding-left: percentage($box-description-left / $box-width); overflow: hidden; h4 { margin: 0px; font-size: $box-description-font-size; font-weight: $box-description-font-weight; line-height: percentage($box-description-line-height / $box-description-font-size); color: $box-description-color; text-align: left; ul { text-indent: initial; list-style-image: url('/skin/images/bullet.png'); margin-top: percentage(3px / $box-height); margin-bottom: percentage(3px / $box-height); padding-left: percentage(26px / $box-height); } p { margin: 0px; } a { text-decoration: underline; color: #09c; font-style: italic; &:link { text-decoration: underline; color: #09c; font-style: italic} &:visited { text-decoration: underline; color: #09c; font-style: italic} &:active { text-decoration: underline; color: #09c; font-style: italic} &:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #09c; font-style: italic} } } } } .skin-box-left-full { @media only screen and (max-width : $box-width - 1) { width: percentage(($box-width-iphone - 5px - $box-left-left) / $box-width-iphone) }; @media only screen and (min-width : $box-width) { width: percentage(($box-width - 5px - $box-left-left) / $box-width) }; } .skin-box-right { top: percentage($box-right-top / $box-height); position: absolute; display: block; @media only screen and (max-width : $box-width - 1) { right: percentage($box-right-right / $box-width-iphone); width: percentage($box-right-width-iphone / $box-width-iphone); }; @media only screen and (min-width : $box-width) { right: percentage($box-right-right / $box-width); width: percentage($box-right-width / $box-width); }; height: percentage($box-right-height / $box-height); .skin-box-image { position: relative; display: block; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; background-size: cover; //percentage($box-image-width / $box-right-width); top: percentage($box-image-top / $box-right-height); @media only screen and (max-width : $box-width - 1) { width: percentage($box-image-width / $box-right-width-iphone) }; @media only screen and (min-width : $box-width) { width: percentage($box-image-width / $box-right-width) }; height: percentage($box-image-height / $box-height); -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; } } .skin-box-more { display: block; position: absolute; bottom: percentage($box-more-bottom / $box-height); @media only screen and (max-width : $box-width - 1) { right: percentage($box-more-right / $box-right-width-iphone ); width: percentage($box-more-width / $box-width-iphone ); }; @media only screen and (min-width : $box-width) { right: percentage($box-more-right / $box-right-width ); width: percentage($box-more-width / $box-width ); }; height: percentage($box-more-height / $box-height); a { display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; } } } } } } }


    Option Method Callback
    class_control, admin
    id, lang, cms_path, cms
    .cms_plugin_boxer( settings )

    Description: Plugin will add boxer control to specified element and allow to manage and show highlight boxes on the page.

    .cms_plugin_boxer( settings )
      • settings
      • Type: PlainObject
      • A set of key/value pairs that configure cms_plugin_boxer() plugin.
          • class_control (default: 'cms-plugin-control')
          • Type: String
          • Plugin tools marker selection class
          • admin (default: ['admin'])
          • Type: Array
          • Array of user groups (roles) can use this plugin control
          • id (default: 'eng')
          • Type: String
          • Plugin data file id
          • lang (default: 'eng')
          • Type: String
          • Plugin language code
          • cms_path (default: '/cms/srv')
          • Type: String
          • Relative path to CMS software
          • cms (default: true)
          • Type: Boolean
          • Use plugin with cms

    cms_plugin_boxer plugin plugin styling and control (plugin implementation in sample):

    • sample-box-container - box showing container
    • sample-box - box
    • sample-box-empty - empty box
    • sample-box-empty p - empty box paragraph
    • sample-box-title - box title
    • sample-box-title h2 - box title header h2
    • sample-box-title a - box title anchor
    • sample-box-title a:link - box title anchor :link
    • sample-box-title a:visited - box title anchor :visited
    • sample-box-title a:active - box title anchor :active
    • sample-box-title a:hover - box title anchor :hover
    • sample-box-left - box left area
    • sample-box-right - box right area
    • sample-box-right table - box right area table
    • sample-box-right td - box right area table cell
    • sample-box-description - box description
    • sample-box-description h4 - box description header h4
    • sample-box-description a - box description anchor
    • sample-box-description a:link - box description anchor :link
    • sample-box-description a:visited - box description anchor :visited
    • sample-box-description a:active - box description anchor :active
    • sample-box-description a:hover - box description anchor :hover
    • sample-box-image - box image
    • sample-box-more - box more button
    • sample-box-more a - mox more button anchor
    • sample-plugin-control - box control

    Plugin cms_plugin_boxer depends on following jQuery packages:

    Vulnerability Scanner