1. Use sample site structure

    CMS WebDAV server usage to manage and edit site files:

    • WebDAV connected as network drive. Map CMS WebDAV server as network drive to your PC. Use WebDAV server URL http://your-site-url/cms/webdav (default CMS WebDAV settings) and set user id (having assigned "admin" group) and password for connection authorization. Instructions may be found on internet ex. WebDAV for Windows Vista and Windows 7 Users. Use your favorit tools to manage and edit files located in files and images folders on WebDAV network drive.
    • Adobe Dreamweaver connected to CMS WebDAV server (or other similar product). Create Adobe Dreamweaver project using WebDAV server URL http://your-site-url/cms/webdav (default CMS WebDAV settings) and set user id (having assigned "admin" group) and password for connection authorization. Manage and edit files located in files and images within Adobe Dreamweaver project.

    2. Remove unusual site menu items, languages and pages from site structure

    1. Remove site languages (using CMS tool Menu : Delete)
    2. Remove site menu items (using CMS tool Menu : Delete)
    3. Remove site pages (using CMS tool Page : Delete)
    4. Optionally remove page include files: images, pdf files, html files, etc. (using CMS File Manager or WebDAV server)

    3. Create new pages and menu items in site structure

    We suggest use existing page for each kind of page as template for new page creation.

    1. Optionally you can create subfolder in pages directory tree to be container for new page (using CMS tool Page : Folder). It is useful (for user friendly URL path auto creation) if you are going to extend path of new page (ex. /some-existing-path/path-you-are-adding/new-page-path-part - in this case you can create container with title 'Path your are adding' which will add '/path-you-are-adding' to path). Copy selected page as template for new page and paste to target folder in pages directory (using CMS tool Page : Copy/Paste in right click context menu).
    2. Open created new page (using CMS tool Page : Page) and do:
      1. Update metadata: url, title, extended title, description, keywords and page language (if you have copied page from diferent language menu tree) (using CMS tool Page : Page : General Data).
      2. Replace include file (using CMS tool Page : Page : File): remove existing included file, clone existing included file with new name, include cloned new file, edit included new file with WYSIVYG editor.
      3. If you have copied page from diferent language menu tree - replace language topic id (it needs page to be properly indexed for local search engine) (using CMS tool Page : Page : Topic List).
      4. If you have copied news page for some year - replace year of key pair data in optional data tab (using CMS tool Page : Page : Optional Data).
      5. Save page.
    3. Create new menu item (using CMS tool Menu : New (tree right click context menu)). Select page for menu item and save menu item.

    4. Clone menu tree in site structure for new language

    This task is not trivial for ready site due different site structure and data content for different languages. Your need step by step create language, pages and menu tree using CMS tools (Menu and Page), upload include files and edit content using CMS File Manager and WYSYVYG Editor (or using WebDAV server), create CMS plugins data content. But you can easy to do it for fresh sample site ex. for German language:

    1. Clone 'eng' folder in '/cms/files' folder with new language code ex. 'ger' (using CMS File Manager or WebDAV server).
    2. Add item to topic list ex. 'ger': 'German' (using CMS tool Setup : List : Edit file "topic").
    3. Clone 'eng' folder in pages tree to 'ger' in top of tree (using CMS tool Page : Copy/Paste in right click context menu)
    4. Update copied folder titles for 'Activity', 'Products' 'News' and 'RSS' folders removing suffix '-copy-yyyymmdd-hhmmss' (using CMS tool Page : Directory/Folder : General Data)
    5. Create 'de_DE' locale and do localization (using CMS tool Localisation)
    6. Open all copied pages step by step (using CMS tool Page : Page) and do:
      1. Set URL Auto on (don't do this only for one page in pages tree '/ger/News' - edit URL by hand to '/ger/news/item/:id'). Update metadata: title, extended title, description, keywords and page language for German language (using CMS tool Page : Page : General Data). URL will update automatically. Attention: only latin and cyrilic is supported for user friendly auto URL !
      2. Replace include file (using CMS tool Page : Page : File): include same file from cloned '/cms/files/ger' folder and remove old included file. Warning: 'Contacts' page have 2 include files. It must have 'contacts' and 'request' id's - don't forget it ! Do not have include files for news, search, home and rss pages !
      3. Replace language topic id (it needs page to be properly indexed for local search engine; do not for news, search and rss pages!) 'eng' with 'ger'. (using CMS tool Page : Page : Topic List).
      4. Save page.
    7. Create language in menu tree top level for German (using CMS tool Menu : Language : General Data). Select page '/ger/Home' from pages tree. Enter language name ('German'), code ('ger'), short name ('DE'). Select language id ('de') and locale ('de_DE').
    8. Copy all items existing under 'Home' language (English) and paste under 'Home' (or other as named ex. 'Startseite') language (German). (using CMS tool Menu : Copy/Paste in right click context menu).
    9. Open all copied menu items step by step (using CMS tool Menu : Menu : General data). Select page for menu item and save menu item.

    5. Update / create data in CMS plugins storage

    Update CMS plugins storage using CMS plugins management tools.

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